Hands & Feet of Jesus Christ

Committed to being the

A food pantry with a plan to give, serve, and impact DeKalb County.


Roots of Giving is committed to meeting the most basic need for individuals and families in DeKalb County - access to food.

Food insecurities create undue stress and anxiety for those struggling to keep food on their tables. When this basic need is met, families and children feel safe, supported and can begin to live, rather than simply survive.


Impact through our food pantry:

  • Offering food for families in DeKalb County regardless of income or circumstance.

  • Creating programs that allows for education in food preparation and tips for food management.

  • Offering snack packs to children to sustain food needs outside of school days.


Support needed to give, grow & impact the community:

  • Capital Campaign donors to help fund the construction of a need facility for the food pantry.

  • Monthly donors to support food purchases and ongoing operating costs.

  • Corporate sponsors who want to underwrite or sponsor specific costs or aspects of our mission.

"What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."

— James 2:14-17



The number of people in DeKalb County struggling with food insecurity in 2022, compared to 4,010 in 2021.


The average meal cost in DeKalb County in 2022, compared to $3.26 in 2021.


The food insecurity rate in DeKalb County, compared to 9.3% IN 2021.

*according to data provided by Feeding America


Get rooted in our mission!

Use the form to reach out and let us know how you’d like to get involved!

  • Volunteer - As a nonprofit, we always need more hands to do the work. Let us know if you’d like to volunteer and we’ll share opportunities that suit you best.

  • Become a Capital Campaign contributor - More than an online donation, Capital Campaign contributors become partners in our greater vision to build and grow our organization.

  • Host a fundraiser - Whether you own a restaurant and want to give back with a dining event or you want to coordinate a workplace giving campaign, support like this means the world to us! Let us know your ideas!